Friday, August 9, 2019

5S System

Background- 5S System
5S system was developed by Sakichi Toyoda in 1970s within the broader Total Production System (TPS). It aims to organize workplace and improve processing for better production.
The 5S System is simple and easy to implement. However, execution needs a proper understanding of importance and planning.

What is 5S?
There are five 5S System phases: Translated in English from Japanese:

Japanese word
English Word
Short Description
Sorting/ structurise
remove not needed
assign place and amount to items
Clean to inspect and maintain
Set standards, agreements and visualize
Sustain (self-discipline)
Secure for the future

Objectives of 5S-
-      Increase in productivity
-      Safe environment
-      Reduced waste and cost associated with waste

1. Seiri
Segregate all items at work place into necessary ( or Wanted) and Unnecessary (or Unwanted). Gather the ‘Unwanted’ materials in a selected area/ Red bin. As a team decide if indeed it ‘not needed’ or needed but too many of it. Remove unnecessary, dead stocks/ items and dispose of them properly.

2. Seiton
Arrange the items in systematic manner. It will reduce time for search of item when in need. For all items it is preferable to put some identification or numbers. Arrange them by following 5 principles-
a.         Air free
b.         Search free through mapping or zoning
c.         Count free by numbering
d.        Bend free by storing it above the work bench.
e.         Climb free by storing it at the height till you can easily reach.
The objective is “ Place for everything and everything in place (PEEP)”.

3. Seiso
Initially clean to shine and then develop to maintain cleaning schedules. A clean workplace is safer and motivates disciplines. There should be non-overlapping responsibility of “by whom” and :by when” format for cleaning activities.

4. Seiketsu
Standardize the best practices at the workplace. Make your standards visible. By doing so they are better controllable and easier to maintain.  Make use of SOPs, OPLs, displays, Work instructions, so that work is done at same fashion at every corner of organization.

5. Shitsuke
Set up training for employees and housekeeping. Perform regular audits and hand over improvement feedback to the team of the audited area. It’s important, towards sustenance practice all the above 4S day to day. It should start from you and then teach others. 

Benefits of 5S-
1.     Improves organizational efficiency
2.     Reduces waste in all forms
3.     Work in similar fashion irrespective of who is performing
4.     Healthy and safe environment for employee
5.     Improves speed and quality of work performance
6.     Create a visually attractive environment for your customers.

  • The 5S is not a one person’s responsibility, it is actually everyone’s responsibility. 
  • The 5S System practices should be part of the performance improvement plan and operational excellence strategies. 

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About Me

Ms. Sushma Uttam Kanukale, working as Quality Manager and Medical Laboratory Technologist in Dubai.10+ years of professional experience. BSc. (Microbiology & Biochemistry), PG-Advanced MLT, PGDTQM, Internal Auditor for ISO 15189:2012, Coordinator, Implementer, Trainer, Author, Blogger, Passionate Healthcare Quality Proferssional. Strengths-Family, Smart work, self-motivation, dedication and learner. I am thankful to my family, friends and well-wishers in my life who has been supporting me for the maintenance and moderation of this website. Welcome to Enjoy reading!!