About Us

"Quality is not an act, it is a habit".

Includes basic knowledge of quality management and tools, which is important foundation for any processes. The contents described here are useful for service industries and can be to some extend for manufacturing industries too. It  will enable to have clear visibility of processes which will increase consistency in improvement and standardized compliance. Quality tools will enable in overall control over organizations processes thus enabling to provide consistently quality product or services to customers.

I will keep posting blogs as according to which I described this site here. The site will be helpful for readers who are really working on meeting goals of Quality.

This site will describes basic TQM- Evolution, its principles, Evolution and its benefits, Deming’s 14 points for management, Kano model for analysis of customer satisfaction approach, Quality Gurus and quality definition according to them, Benchmarking, PDCA and Cost of quality.

The area named as “Statistical Process Control (SPC)” includes topics like Seven (7) basic tools of Quality Controls that are-  cause & effect diagram, scatter diagram, Histogram, Check sheet, Control charts, Affinity Diagram, Pareto Diagram and other advanced topics. Each topic covers its background , procedure to plot, implementation and benefits. The important calculations are explained step by step for better understanding. These form the fundamental foundation for overall problem solving tools oriented towards quality control and similar other activities.

The site has a essence of Integrated management system which are explained in brief for basic knowledge.

The tools useful for organizational excellence are described in brief which includes Total Preventive Management, 5S, Visual management, Just-In-Time, Poyke -In-Time, Poyke Yoke, Kaizen, OEE and much more.

We have small segment of briefing on support process, work focus, targets and goals, Root cause analysis, etc.

By the use of these site and understanding of the concepts-
One can identify major problems and challenges which are obstruction in achieving the goal.  It will give better analysis of production process or services much better. It will enable to control fluctuation of product or service quality by providing solutions to avoid defects and repeat in future. Most importantly quality tools will help to monitor, control and improve process performance over time by studying variation and its sources.
At the end customer satisfaction can only be achieved only by proving them with quality at right time , right place and at right amount.  It means that both product and services should be excellent. From my experience I hope 95% of the problems in the organization can be solved by using these tools wisely.

Before I end, the blogs are posted on the basis of notes/memory/books generated during my learning activities. Some are out of experiments/experiences some are from other writers. If I failed to mention any proper citation on any posted blog, this doesn’t mean that I don’t acknowledge their valuable work. I am highly indebted to all whose work is published/appeared in the posts.
Note: The views expressed in this blog are those of the author. The explanations are made in brief and in the form of notes. Hope you all enjoy reading!
I respect the copyright of all publishers and had always tried to avoid using copyrighted materials (without taking consent) on this site. If i have done so, It’s unknowingly and would request you to please address it to sushmakanukale@gmail.com Please allow me 7 days or more (if have limited access to internet)  to remove those contents from this site.

Your guidance/suggestions will be an opportunity to improve better and better and will keep inspiring me to make this site an innovative and interactive platform to share/learn Quality. So keep writing or email me your feedback, comments, or suggestions.

Stay Blessed!!

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About Me

Ms. Sushma Uttam Kanukale, working as Quality Manager and Medical Laboratory Technologist in Dubai.10+ years of professional experience. BSc. (Microbiology & Biochemistry), PG-Advanced MLT, PGDTQM, Internal Auditor for ISO 15189:2012, Coordinator, Implementer, Trainer, Author, Blogger, Passionate Healthcare Quality Proferssional. Strengths-Family, Smart work, self-motivation, dedication and learner. I am thankful to my family, friends and well-wishers in my life who has been supporting me for the maintenance and moderation of this website. Welcome to myqualitytools.blogspot.com. Enjoy reading!!