Friday, September 27, 2019


A histogram is the most commonly used graph to show frequency distributions. It is a graphical representation to study distribution pattern of data. A histogram consists of tabular frequencies arranged adjacent in rectangles erected over discrete intervals with an area equal to the frequency of the observations in the interval. The total area of the histogram is equal to the numbers of data. This helpful data collection and analysis tool is considered one of the 7 basic quality tools. 

Use a histogram when:
·       There are large number of observations on a single measurable quality characteristics.
·       To study distribution pattern of the output process.
·       To analyzing whether a process can meet the customer’s requirements.
·       To analyzing what the output from a supplier’s process looks like.
·       For any deviation in process from one time period to another.
·       Comparing two or more processes for any variations.
·       For effective easy and quick communication by graphical presentation.

Step  by step process of creating histogram can be explained with this example which is as follows-

1.      Collect 50-100 consecutive data points from a process you intended to control.
In a hospital process control values were identified as a CTQ (Critical to Quality) parameter. 50 readings were collected which covered all shifts over a week. They are as follows-
QC values for parameter-

2.      Calculate Mean= Select the cell where you want value to appear for you. Then follow

After a click on “OK” I got Mean= 9.786

3.      Calculate Max and Min Value
Select the cell where you want the result to appear. Follow-

The Max Value I got is = 10.9
Similarly follow the steps for Minimum Value.

4.      Calculate Interval - Depending on the data range select classes of equal width.

5.      Calculate Stand. Deviation
Select the cell where you want the value to appear. Then Follow-

So the SD = 0.358

6.      Let’s now work out for class width.
You will note that the following cell is increased by the set interval value. Ensure that your class value includes Max. and Min. Value as calculated.

7.      Now the next step to know is the frequency of value i.e number of times a value has occurred in the process. Follow these steps- first place cursor on the applicable cell. Type “=” select “Formulas” got to “More functions” out of which select “Statistical” from drop down list select “Frequency”.

You will be directed to window as shown below-

In Data_array- click and select your data (here it is QC Value) enter
In   Bins_array- click and select calculated class (here it is QC values- Class) enter

Click “OK”

8.      For other results in frequency column use this short-cut-  select the frequency column (including the formula cell). Go to formula bar, place your cursor at the end of the formula, press “Ctrl+ Shift+ Enter”. You will get the frequency of all QC values like shown below-

9.      We are done with our calculation part. Now we will be heading to convert data in Histogram. For this, Select the Frequency column values, go to “Insert” select “Bar Chart” go to “Stacked Column”.

10.      We need to do some settings for the chart since it is a Bar graph and not a histogram chart. So let’s do it!
a.      Remove grid line-  select on any grid line and press delete
b.      On my X-axis I need range of QC Values. For this select on chart area, right      click then select data. It will direct you to further window where there is option to edit on right side, click on edit button and select QC value Class.

It will look like this-

c.       To remove gaps- Right Click on any bar go to “Format Data Series”

Select boarder line to black. Chart will look like histogram-

  d.       To complete the chart label the chart with title,  X-axis and Y-axis etc.

The pattern is unimodal and is fairly centered.
If we know the specifications example in this case let suppose is 9.8±0.5, the upper limit is 10.30 and lower limit is 9.30. therefore, though the pattern is fairly centered BUT the process spread is much wider than the tolerance. This indicated the process is not  capable of meeting the specifications within the tolerance limits, 2.0% fall below lower specification limits and 10.0% has gone beyond the Upper Specification limits. It needs improvement efforts to get process within the tolerance limits.

let's discuss histogram shapes!


Normal Distribution
A common pattern is the bell–shaped curve known as the "normal distribution." In a normal or "typical" distribution, points are as likely to occur on one side of the average as on the other.  

Skewed Distribution
The skewed distribution is asymmetrical. The distribution’s peak is off center toward the limit and a tail stretches away from it. These distributions are called right- or left-skewed according to the direction of the tail.

Double-Peaked or Bimodal
The bimodal distribution looks like the back of a two-humped camel. The outcomes of two processes with different distributions are combined in one set of data.  

Plateau or Multimodal Distribution
The plateau might be called a “multimodal distribution.” Several processes with normal distributions are combined. Because there are many peaks close together, the top of the distribution resembles a plateau.

Edge Peak Distribution
The edge peak distribution looks like the normal distribution except that it has a large peak at one tail. Usually this is caused by faulty construction of the histogram, with data lumped together into a group labeled “greater than.”

Comb Distribution
In a comb distribution, the bars are alternately tall and short. This distribution often results from rounded-off data and/or an incorrectly constructed histogram.                                                      

Truncated or Heart-Cut Distribution
The truncated distribution looks like a normal distribution with the tails cut off. The supplier might be producing a normal distribution of material and then relying on inspection to separate what is within specification limits from what is out of spec. The resulting shipments to the customer from inside the specifications are the heart cut.

Dog Food Distribution
The dog food distribution is missing something–results near the average. If a customer receives this kind of distribution, someone else is receiving a heart cut, and the customer is left with the “dog food,” the odds and ends left over after the master’s meal. Even though what the customer receives is within specifications, the product falls into two clusters: one near the upper specification limit and one near the lower specification limit. This variation often causes problems in the customer’s process.

Hope the article was useful for you. Keep sending your suggestions and comments. Enjoy reading!

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Statistical Process Control

 What Is Statistical Process Control?
Statistical Process Control is a set of methods for controlling and monitoring quality, also detecting quality variation during process.

As per ISO 9000:2015 Quality Management System- process is a set of interrelated or interacting activities which transforms inputs into outputs.
Note 1: inputs to a process are generally outputs of other processes
Note 2: processes in an organization are generally planned and carried out under controlled conditions to add value.
SPC- is an easy method to monitor the process is “in-control”.
Further to work with SPC, what we need is called data.  The data can be Quantitative and Qualitative. There are two types Quantitative data-
Variable data (continuous Data)
 Attributes data (discrete Data)
Variable data characteristically are those that can be measured like length, volume, pressure and time. Sample size in variable data is less .
Attributes data are countable in discrete units or number of occurrences. They can be divided as good or bad products. Typically it includes number of defects/defectives/scrap items etc. Sample size in attribute data is large.
You must be wondering what is the significance of SPC.
With real-time SPC one can:
Well!  there are so  many tools claiming for the Quality but the question still arises is “How”.
We can do by measuring ROI. May be it’s a new term for few of you, let’s have a brief explanation on it.
ROI is an abbreviation of Return on Investment.
It is a performance measure. It is used to evaluate the efficiency of an investment or compare the efficiency of a number of different investments.
Now lets start on-
How to Measure the ROI of a Real-Time SPC Solution
1.     Start identifying the major areas leading to nonproductive- like waste (scraps, reworks, over stocks..), Equipment downtime (Changing of parts, breakdown time..), processes/ products incapable of meeting customers’ requirements, personnel competency, inefficiency at your facility and/or unit lines etc. 

2.     Do Cross verification-
Ask questions before making any decision. If require take help of your accounts department and team to verify collected data. Since it is critical factor on which further steps has to be taken.
The following question will be certainly helpful to you for such steps.
a.      Do you really know your costs of quality.
b.     What category does the work fall in -Process/service/product/area?
c.      Are the right kind of data being collected with respect to right process/service/product/area?
d.     Has the data Cross verified to know it’s stand on true ground?
e.      Can this data be useful to improve your area of work?
f.        Are decisions being made on true data which is causing the issue?
g.      Did you really found the cause of quality issue?
h.     Can you accurately predict output result of your task?

3.     It’s now time to quantify the value of an SPC solution.

 What are SPC Tools?
As discussed before SPC is a set of methods for controlling and monitoring quality, also detecting quality variation during process.  Here is a brief descriptions on SPC tools are -

Control Chart
Control Charts are used to analyze process performance over time. Control charts will give you data on control values/results and calculate mean, bias and sigma lines to evaluate the stability of the process. There are two types of cause variation depicted by help of control charts. They are - Special cause variation and Common cause variation 


Histograms is used to show the spread, or dispersion, of variable data. It works as per customers demand. Since, the upper specification (USL) and lower specification limits (LSL) are defined by the customer. Any result or value outside of the specification limits represent that don't meet customer requirements. for more detail follow histogram-analysis

Pareto Chart

Pareto charts combine a sorted bar graph with a cumulative line graph. Pareto Charts are used to counts of defect data or error types by using 80/20 rule.

Fishbone Diagram

Fishbone diagrams used to document the root cause analysis of an issue. Start with a problem statement and then ask at least 5 Whys until you get to the root cause.

Scatter Plot
Scatter Plots are used to show the correlation or cause-effect relationship between two sets of data.
If the points are clustered along the trend line, then there's probably a strong correlation. If it is dispersed on the graph, there is no correlation.


Flowcharts show the current and improved process flow. One of the key benefits is this process helps in better understand in achieving a standard process and also often leads to identifying obvious problems that can be corrected quickly.

For any organization whether in manufacturing/service, productivity will increase only by meeting the customers' requirements by controlling quality, segregating the good from the bad.  By using SPC tools wisely at pre-process control or control at design stage/process stage will prove to be really oriented towards prevention of such quality defects.
 SPC is important to-
- Reduce scrap and rework
- Improve quality of product/ services
- Increase productivity
- Compete in today’s marketBottom of Form


About Me

Ms. Sushma Uttam Kanukale, working as Quality Manager and Medical Laboratory Technologist in Dubai.10+ years of professional experience. BSc. (Microbiology & Biochemistry), PG-Advanced MLT, PGDTQM, Internal Auditor for ISO 15189:2012, Coordinator, Implementer, Trainer, Author, Blogger, Passionate Healthcare Quality Proferssional. Strengths-Family, Smart work, self-motivation, dedication and learner. I am thankful to my family, friends and well-wishers in my life who has been supporting me for the maintenance and moderation of this website. Welcome to Enjoy reading!!